About Us | KnowledgeGift

Finding suitable gifting options in this day and age can often be a lengthy and time-consuming process. It is sometimes tough to select an appropriate gift and then go ahead and repeat the same process, the next time around. How do you ensure that you give someone a gift which adds value to their life? Here's a thought: how about giving them the gift of 'Knowledge'?

Gifting ‘knowledge’ is a going a step beyond considering just the ‘likability’ of that item. It’s about igniting one’s curiosity through different knowledge based products. Books, games and other products centered around knowledge, have a great way of conveying that. 


With this in mind, Greycaps* is proud to introduce you to KnowledgeGifts.in, a one-stop-shop for all knowledge based products, built on the concept of presenting the gift of knowledge.